THE LIFE IS IN THE BLOOD (WATB-1) We take you back to Eden, when God breathed life into his creation and then his creation sinned against him. What was involved in the first blood sacrifice? What does "the life is in the blood" really mean?
BLOOD COVENANT (WATB-2) God has entered into covenants with man – from Noah to Abraham to us. Almost always he has sealed these covenants with blood. This teaching will leave no doubt in your mind of the purpose, importance and permanence of God’s blood covenants.
(THE QUALITIES OF JESUS’ BLOOD (WATB-3) The special qualities in Jesus’ blood make the difference between him being a risen savior or a dead sacrifice. What’s even more amazing is that the born-again Christian has these same qualities.
THE POWER OF THE BLOOD (WATB-4) The power of Jesus’ blood is greater than any power of sin or guilt in our lives. What does it mean to be sanctified, reconciled, made righteous, cleansed, and redeemed; and how do we apply this same power to our own life?