PRAISE & WORSHIP MUSIC MINISTRY We’ve heard a church likened to a three legged stool. Each leg represents either the music, the message or the administration. If one of these is faulty, the stool cannot stand. We can help you take your music leg to the next level. If your services could use a musical jolt, if there’s a perceived gap between the congregation and platform, or if you’re in need of God’s love, joy and freedom, Look no further!
MUSIC FOR EVERYONE! Music isn’t just for the praise team, but many times there’s a perceived gap between the platform and congregation. These sessions are truly Music for Everyone!
| Goals for the congregation | Praise isn’t optional | What is praise and worship, its purpose and effects | Bridging the congregation with the music team
BUILDING A MUSIC TEAM If you’re wondering whether or not you need a music team, or how to put one together, this session is for you:
| Do you need a music team? | Prepare to lead worship | Putting together a praise & worship team | Taking it to the next level with technical, instruments, vocals | Pastor’s/director’s vision | Role of guitar in worship | Role of singer in worship | Sound system and technology | Songwriting and arranging | Privilege, responsibility & purpose of music ministry | Being successful in your music ministry | Practical words to worship leaders/ musicians | Q & A Time
| Pastor’s/Director’s Vision | Music team purpose and goals | Team standards, unity in the team | Prayer life/worship lifestyle | Praise & worship leader; prepare to lead worship and choosing songs | Types of worship | Actual praise & worship in service | Musicians/vocalists | Pre-Service | Rehearsals/Sound checks | Attitude | Personal fellowship & exchange | Support the service | Continued improvement
| Technical -- key changes, modulations chords, site reading, theory, dynamics | Instruments -- express emotion, exercises, play with anointing | Singing -- dynamics, harmonies, intensity | When it’s a struggle to learn | Songwriting -- new songs, choosing material, hooks