TEACHING While Sound Ministries International exists to bring God’s message of grace and love through various avenues, anointed teaching and music remain in the forefront of this ministry. Mark & Denise minister both as a team as well as individually with humor and witty insights. Their instructional songs bring an understanding of God’s love and freedom. No group is too small or large to receive what God has for them -- whether in a conference or congregational setting, home groups or one-on-one, you’re sure to receive life-changing truths.
Sample teaching topics include: What about the blood? Renewing the mind; Authority of the believer; How to receive your healing; Why speak in tongues? The real you -- spirit, soul and body; Run with the vision; Fear not, because God said so; Women are called too; Finances and giving.
Teachings: -- For foundational truths, be sure to check out our store for our CD teaching series. These have been recorded in an intimate conversational style that is comprehensive, yet easy to understand.
Bible Q & A: -- Together Mark & Denise form the BIBLE ANSWER TEAM (BAT) and answer any question or topic you can think of. Visit our Bible Q & A Page for current questions and answers on different topics. Check “Our Store” for the books, A Sound Word, Volumes 1 and 2, that include about 50 topics in each, along with 6 CD audiobooks! Check out A SOUND WORD, our bi-monthly mini-teachings. For answers you’ve been wondering about, things that make you go Hmmmmm, or if you’ve pondered on puzzlements longer than you care to, e-mail us or send us an invite to minister. No question is too hard or foolish for us to answer.