Adultery Divorce Love God & still sin?
***************************************************************************************************************** Q. How can someone who says they love God still sin?
A. When someone accepts Jesus and becomes born again, their spirit is recreated or made brand new in the image of Jesus (Rom 8:9). However, when they get saved, only the spirit does, not their mind or body. So if someone was fat before they got saved, they’ll still be fat. Romans 8:1 tells us that there is no condemnation to those who walk after the spirit (meaning to follow the Word of God), versus walking after the lusts of the flesh. Until we get to heaven, no one will be able to live a perfect life, but the desires of a Christian ‘should’ be wanting the things of the Lord. If someone gets in the flesh, or lives carnally, they put their own self-centeredness first rather than God’s best for them which can get into sin. It won’t change God’s love towards us, because He loved us while we were yet in sin (1 John), but it may change our attitude towards Him knowing we have done something wrong that would not have happened had we put God’s desires first.
Q. Is adultery a worse sin than another? What does God say about that?
A. Adultery is wrong, but the book of James very clearly states that one sin is not worse than another. As people we have a tendency to categorize sin and for that reason we say adultery or murder is so bad that you have to do things to rectify it. Essentially adultery is no different than gossip or shoplifting. If we do something that is not of faith, the Bible says that is sin. We guarantee you almost everyone is committing that sin at least once or twice a day. What you need to bring out is that sin in general and sins in particular have ALL been covered by the blood of Jesus. Dissolving a marriage covenant because of past sins utterly nonsense from a scriptural point of view.
Divorce because of adherence to religion he has no scriptural ground to stand on. Jesus' blood has already forgiven us of all sins, including adultery. We need to believe we are righteous based solely on what Jesus has done.
Q I remarried 4 years ago. While dating we didn't always maintain sexual purity--I tried but didn't always succeed. I thought that I was marrying a young Christian--but now I'm wondering. I'm afraid that I've so disappointed God and that he has rejected me. I'm worried about myself and my husband spiritually. My son believes that I'm going to hell unless I leave my current husband-that I'm living in adultery - and that I need to either come back to my husband--his dad--or live the rest of my life single. My son believes these pastors were only saying that because they wanted to keep me and my tithes (2 of them I didn't attend their church) or that they have just accepted the way of the world and didn't want to offend anyone.
I told my son the advice I had gotten from several different pastors/churches--because I wanted the truth. I told him that I believed that if I were to leave my current husband---that I would be committing a sin again---divorcing--and that 2 wrongs don't make a right. Please help.
A. No, you won't go to hell if you stay married to your husband. You wouldn't even go to hell if you divorced your present husband. Divorce and remarriage are not the unforgivable sin. But you are right in seeing that divorce for the purpose of remarrying your ex-husband isn't the answer. Two wrongs don't make a right.
Obviously, the guilt associated with a failed marriage can be an issue that creates distress, but as Romans 8:38-39 says "nothing shall be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ", not even our sins. Not if you're a believer. God has not rejected you over this, and your son's or any other man's word doesn't carry the same weight as the word of God. But, unfortunately, if our heart condemns us, we lack confidence with God (1 John 5:20-21). But that same passage says that God is greater than our heart and knows all things. In other words, he doesn't condemn us even if we feel like condemning ourselves. So you need to let the word of God's love assure your heart. This is probably why you're feeling dry. But God does not relate to you based on your performance; he's gone ahead and given you the same right-standing with him that Jesus has. It won't ever be based on what you do, but on what Jesus has done. It takes faith to believe it, but that's the heart of the gospel.
ONLY Believe,
Mark & Denise, your Bible Answer Team
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