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(Zephaniah 3:17 paraphrased) The LORD thy God in the midst of thee is mighty; he will save, he will rejoice over thee with joy; he will rest in his love, he will joy over thee with singing [he will spin round in a violent motion with gladness, shouting and triumph]!  


Habakkuk’s Song      Women in Ministry     Oneness Churches
   Cain & Family                   More Sound Words

Cain and Family     

Q.  I read that in Gen 1:26 - 3:24 that it only speaks of Adam and Eve existing on the planet. Gen 4:1-14 says Adam and Eve had 2 sons making it four people on the planet. Gen 4:15-16 says God placed a mark on Cain so no one who found him would kill him. Who would find him besides Adam and Eve?

Then Gen 4:17 says Cain lay with his wife. Where did she come from? It doesn’t say that Adam and Eve had any daughters. And even if they did, and Cain took one of them as his wife, wouldn’t that be incest?

A.  You’ve drawn conclusions from scriptures that there were only four people on the planet. In Gen 5:4 it does say that Adam did have sons and daughters. But in verse 3, it said that Adam lived 130 years before he had Seth. The mistake of your conclusion is in assuming that between Cain and Abel, and the birth of Seth there were no other children born to Adam and Eve. Even though the scripture does not say that there were, the scripture also doesn’t say there were not.

It’s very likely that between Cain and Abel, that Adam had other children. And the conclusion of Cain having to have one of his sisters as his wife is the most likely conclusion to draw. Even though God later in the giving of the law of Moses to Israel gave a commandment against incest, there was no such law against it at this point in time. A lot of things in the pre-Israelite days went on without regard to God’s law being given. It is God’s standard that brothers and sisters don’t sleep together. However, in the earliest days of the human race, particularly in Adam’s family, there was no other choice.

We hope this does not offend your sensibilities. But logically, from scripture this is the only conclusion we can draw.   (This excerpt taken from A Sound Word, Volume 2. )  

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an Old Testament prophet, was being carnally minded (of the five physical senses) basing his feelings only on what he sees.  He sees the strife and injustice in his country and asks God the question, “How long will I cry and you not hear me?”  How many of us have felt that way at one time or another?  Not that God doesn’t hear, but the answer seems long in coming. Habakkuk decided to quit complaining and wait on God. 

God replies that the just shall live by faith and that Habakkuk should have confidence in God because he knows exactly what the situation is and what to do about it.  He then reveals to Habakkuk a vision of his power and instructs Habakkuk to write it down so that whoever reads it may run with it.  In other words, his vision was written for our benefit so that we can see the same thing Habakkuk did and be encouraged. 

 We come to the third and last chapter of the book.  Once Habakkuk realizes the power of the Lord—that his ways are everlasting and that we may rest in the day of trouble—his perspective has changed.  There is no real change of circumstances in his life, but you see a change of attitude resulting in praise and rejoicing.  We always have a choice as to whether we will be overcome by our circumstances or whether we will overcome our circum- stances by faith in the One who has the power to change everything.  When you see just how all-powerful God is and that he loves us so much that he gave us his very best in Jesus Christ, you begin to understand that God will use that same power on your behalf, and you will come through on top.  “He that spared not his own Son, but delivered him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things?” (Rom 8:32)

TAKE A NOTE:  Taken from the book of Habakkuk, it boils down to three parts: Habakkuk complains to God; God says sssshhh by showing his glory; and after Habakkuk sees God’s power, he gets a revelation to rejoice.  The last chorus was written in 1985, and gathered dust for 15 years till Denise told Mark to just finish the song for their first CD.  This song is on our Open Up The Gates! CD.

The above article is an excerpt from A Sound Word, Volume 1, written by Mark & Denise Abernethy. Order your copy today


Q  Would you be so kind to give me your perspective on women in the ministry, particularly women pastors (not preachers or ministers) but pastors of congregations? Thanks.

A.  We don’t want to ruffle feathers, but do feel that according to the following scriptures, women pastors were not really God’s best.

1 Tim 3:2  A bishop then must be blameless, the husband of one wife, vigilant, sober.....

1 Titus 1:5-6 -- For this cause left I thee in Crete, that thou shouldest set in order the things that are wanting, and ordain elders in every city, as I had appointed thee: If any be blameless, the husband of one wife, having faithful children not accused of riot or unruly.

How can a woman be the husband of one wife?  If there is a town where no man wants to pastor a church, the woman could then step in to do that.  God has set up certain things in the Bible, but as Kathryn Kuhlman said, she wasn’t God’s first, second, third, fourth or fifth choice.  But God told her that the other men he called didn’t want to be in that position so she accepted the call.

Is there any right or wrong in it?  No, we aren’t under the law, we are under grace.
Q.  What are your thoughts on Oneness Pentecostal churches?  God Bless You!

A.  We think they are legalistic and don’t have the right grace message. 

ONLY Believe,

Mark & Denise, your Bible Answer Team

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